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Hello World, I'm Joseph Wright.
I am a Software Developer.

Who Am I?

I'm a recent Computer Science graduate from University of Houston - Downtown. I research and develop strategic solutions to those daily problems. I am currently working in Android Studio learning application development through Google's Kotlin course, and also tinker with some HTML/CSS to build out this portfolio. Let's work together to make the world a better place!

Tech Experience


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Project One Image

Prim's Algorithm

This project entailed finding the Minimum Spanning Tree given a weighted graph file. Developed in Python.

Project Two Image

Lunch Tray

An Android project which calculates tax and total of an order from a series of selections. Developed in Kotlin.

Project Three Image

Inventory Tracker

An Android project which utililzes a Room (SQLite) Database to maintain an inventory management system. Developed in Kotlin.

Project Four Image

Mars Photos

An Android project which calls a NASA REST service for mars photos then displays them using COIL. Developed in Kotlin.


Let's talk!

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